History will, I feel, be unkind to her and her seeming penchant to delay and not to rock the boat

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Despite the lukewarm reviews I have put the book on my wish list. I’m keen to learn more of her time in the DDR. I saw her interview with Katya Adler, not hugely enlightening. Merkel didn’t take one step back.

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I am so delighted to have stumbled upon your article as I encountered your book "Why The Germans Do It Better" in a bookshop, not too long ago. Now, I am determined to give it a read!

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I enjoyed reading your analysis. I preferred the second part of your piece from “Perhaps I’m being too harsh. If so…” to the end.

As you (and Obama) point out, the world was becoming increasingly unstable and Frau Merkel had provided -and for the extension period, continued to provide- stability for a long time.

You point out that she intended to step down but was persuaded to stay for the sake of stability. I think she will have known when it was time to go with her reputation intact, so this is probably to her credit that she stayed on.

As you describe, she certainly had her weaker points but so do all leaders who are after all only human.

Finally, it is common for things to fall apart somewhat in the wake of a strong and popular leader, most likely because their replacements have often had too little oxygen to grow - think Alex Ferguson and Man U.

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Little correction: Obama’s farewell tour during which he met Merkel was at end 2016, not 2015!

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